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free KocKAR baldness çorum oryturki to orya turkey

Individuals who have had hair transplantation
Conscious experts have stated that hair transplantation will be appropriate for male individuals who want to have hair transplantation when they reach the age of about 40.
Because AGA is a disease that starts at the age of 20 and continues until the age of 45 in a male individual, if an individual is transplanted at an early age, AGA will be an ongoing process, while the new hair will protect itself, while the individual's existing hair will continue to shed before the transplantation. It will soon cause the individual to have the appearance of a sparse-haired grass man again.
Every individual who has undergone transplantation should use the products to be determined within the scope of the ORY Protocol to protect, thicken and prevent hair density before and after transplantation.
We also provide services to many of our clients who had to have hair transplantation at the wrong time without being informed completely for financial gain and we design the process.